Design Details - Inventory Costing | Microsoft Docs

This documentation provides detailed technical insight to the concepts and principles that are used within the Inventory Costing features in Business Central .

Inventory costing, also referred to as cost management, is concerned with recording and reporting business operating costs.

In This Section

Design Details: Costing Methods
Design Details: Item Application
Design Details: Known Item Application Issue
Design Details: Cost Adjustment
Design Details: Posting Date on Adjustment Value Entry
Design Details: Expected Cost Posting
Design Details: Average Cost
Design Details: Variance
Design Details: Rounding
Design Details: Cost Components
Design Details: Inventory Periods
Design Details: Inventory Posting
Design Details: Production Order Posting
Design Details: Assembly Order Posting
Design Details: Reconciliation with the General Ledger
Design Details: Accounts in the General LedgerDesign Details: Inventory Valuation
Design Details: Revaluation

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