How to: Calculate LS Forecast Manually

The calculation of forecasts with LS Forecast is usually run automatically by using a scheduled job in LS Central. However, it is also possible to perform the calculation manually, if needed. For instance, during implementation and testing or if an LS Forecast batch should be recalculated after changing setup data.

To calculate LS Forecast manually

  1. Click the icon, enter LS Forecast Batches, and select the relevant link.
  2. Select an existing batch, or click the New action to create a new batch. Refer to How to: Set Up LS Forecast Batches for details on how to fill in the necessary fields.
  3. Click Calculation - Calculate Forecast to start the forecast calculation.
  4. Click Calculation - Check Calculation Status to check if the calculation has been completed and the result is ready for download.
  5. Click the Download Forecast action, once the status is ready.

Tip: The complete process or steps of LS Forecast calculation can be scheduled and run automatically with a scheduler job.

All forecast calculation details are logged into the LS Forecast Calculation Logs. Note that manual forecast calculation will not be updated immediately, but only upon the next manual or scheduled forecast calculation.

It is possible to prevent LS Forecast calculation from exceeding the usage limit by setting up the LS Forecast calculation limit via LS Forecast Setup.

Note: For LS Forecast Batches with Forecast Bucket set to Weekly, the LS Forecast entries will be downloaded and broken down to daily entries based on the Weekly Sales Bucket Setup.

The following table describes a list of related tasks with links to the topics that describe them.

To See
Schedule the calculation and download of the forecast. How to: Schedule LS Forecast Calculation
View the forecast results downloaded from LS Forecast. How to: View LS Forecast Entries
View the LS Forecast Calculation Logs. How to: View LS Forecast Calculation Logs
Set up LS Forecast calculation limit. How to: Set Up LS Forecast Calculation Limit
Learn more about Weekly Sales Bucket calculation. Weekly Sales Bucket Calculation

See Also

Basic LS Forecast Setup

LS Forecast