Design Details - Posting Interface Structure | Microsoft Docs

In the Business Central posting interface structure, there are several global procedures that use the same structure:

  • RunWithCheck and RunWithoutCheck call procedure Code – generic posting interface for Gen. Jnl Line.
  • CustPostApplyCustLedgEntry – post customer application, called from codeunit 226 CustEntry-Apply Posted Entries.
  • VendPostApplyVendLedgEntry – post vendor application, called from codeunit 227 VendEntry-Apply Posted Entries.
  • UnapplyCustLedgEntry – post unapply of customer application, called from codeunit 226 CustEntry-Apply Posted Entries
  • UnapplyVendLedgEntry – post unapply of vendor application, called from codeunit 227 VendEntry-Apply Posted Entries

See Also

Design Details: Posting Engine Structure

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